♥♥Just about what I have gone through every day... So it will remind me of my life path up until now... I want to express it with words... My small brain can’t afford to keep it all... The language may 'Campur2' because it’s my diary after all... who will cares anyway??? XD♥♥

♥♥Life not always happen like you have planned.. Everyday there will be surprises happening in your life.. Treasure it.. Appreciate it.. It may not always happen.. And maybe will not happen again..♥♥

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Take a break...

This is what I do when 'blank @ blur' in the middle of the night...
I have the choice to write it down on a piece of paper..
But I choose to write in my blog..
(Lestari bah kunu)
I don't want to mention anything about my exams..
(So Unbelievable Cam Kili2...@S.U.C.K.hahahha.)
And about "4 years ago life story" will be postponed for a moment...
I just want to focus on my study now..
(slap me on the face please...hahahahhaha)
Blank...Blur...Unknown state of Mind~~
(muncul tiba2 lagu 'Empire State of Mind'hahaahha...)
My mind working hard...
I feel like I want to express myself...
Want to forget about life mess..
I really hate it when it comes to my 'unknown' state..
(kin panas ni...ndada bha)
I think this might be the Psychology impact...
(kabur2 pandangan tgk slide show...T.T)
The more I look to the notes...
(emotion + stress + personality + motivation =  Esther Sangat Pening Membaca)
The farther my mind 'merayau'..
Really out of focus...
But cannot stop now...
There are still SUPER MANY need to revise..
At least for tonight (pagi suda ni geng,belum terang jak la~~)
I MUST read the slide show...
Time really chasing me right now...
I need to run faster...
Need more stamina + determination + focus + eustress
(100plus please..kekekke)
*dengan pandangan blur melihat screen laptop*


  1. oi...hahaha~mcm bermasalah jak..come on!!!u can do it..hehe
    my 1st paper starts today~yeahh!!haha..anyway,gud kasi abis revision ko..and gud luck smua paper2 ko!!!jan pening2..hehe =P

  2. kalo nda pandai pening nda normal tu gink~~~kekkeke...mcm #$%^**((() bha tu psycho...kin tekanan perasaan jak...kalau ambik minor tu mmg nda lama BP punya penghuni la sy...ko pun gudluck juga~~XD

  3. haha..mksudnya aku nda normal ka ni??huahua~ nda pa,bgus lg pg BP,trus nda paya risau psal apa2 suda kn??hahaha~jan cakap la exam,mmg lgsg teda pa mau pkir suda.. =P

  4. hahah....bukan nda normal...maybe paranormal...or mungkin juga abnormal...XD...namaw eh masuk sana...kekeke...uisey...habis suda bha paper dia...yalah jua..org tua kena kasi paper sikit2...takut system drg nda dapt menampung...wkakwkkawkaw....

  5. haha..ada lg ba paper..satu lg..next tuesday!! oyeeahhhh~

  6. huhuhu...sama2 la kita berusaha...ko naik tangga kejayaan...sy pakai eskalator....XD
