Just want to tell you,
how much I've missed you.
Just want to tell you,
how much I longed for you.
You just the only exception that I can get,
the colors in my dull life.
Make me smile just the thought of you are here,
make me strong when I'm down.
I love all the time we had together,
its the moment that make me forget all the pain.
Going through my day without you,
the time flows but I still feel your presence.
Every day I waited the sun to set,
waiting for you to come back my sunshine.
Hold you close till the dawn,
and let you go to shine in the day.
You know I hate it when you read my mind,
because I cant keep a secret from you.
You read through all my actions,
makes me really cant hide.
Devour my mind with your smile,
leave me hanging with your invisible connexion.
Make me think in many thoughts,
Every time you invaded my mind.
We walk through the road holding hand,
walk and walk let the things flows with its rhythm.
Now we had to come to a junction,
and walk our own way.
No goodbyes, no farewell.
Just walk and let the space growing wider.
No notes, no sound.
Silently walk the pavements with the memories to reminisce.
You can't be reality and I can't have you.
You live inside me and can't get you here.
You are my chaos fantasy.
My riot fairy tale.
My unspoken dream.
P/S: I see lots of stars dancing in front of me. I feel my body floating. Its a sign: BED TIME that has already passed and KNOCKOUT TIME coming by.
♥♥Just about what I have gone through every day... So it will remind me of my life path up until now... I want to express it with words... My small brain can’t afford to keep it all... The language may 'Campur2' because it’s my diary after all... who will cares anyway??? XD♥♥
♥♥Life not always happen like you have planned.. Everyday there will be surprises happening in your life.. Treasure it.. Appreciate it.. It may not always happen.. And maybe will not happen again..♥♥
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Angin Petang...
Huh~ Nyaman sungguh angin petang. Bukan senang dapat peluang bersenang-lenang. Selalunya kerja berlambak-lambak. (Sebenarnya banyak juga kerja yang perlu disiapkan, tapi baru lepas main permainan.. :p) Apa yang saya ingin mengarut pada petang ini?
Hurm... Macam tiada kerja langsung perlu dibuat. Hahaha..
Bercakap tentang kerja, seram bila mengingatkan bagaimana perjalanan hidup saya pada minggu hadapan. Tugasan-tugasan yang perlu dihantar, dilaksanakan, dihadiri, dsb. Saya perlu persiapkan diri dari segi mental dan fizikal. Semuanya akan menguji kesabaran, kepantasan, kecekapan, ketenangan, dan juga penyelesaian yang dijana. Saya amat berharap semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. Saya seorang yang sukakan cabaran kerana ia menguji kemahiran dan tahap kesabaran. Melalui cabaran, kita dapat mempelajari banyak perkara dan dapat menimba pengalaman. Ada yang pahit dan ada yang manis. Begitulah ragam kehidupan. Hari ini kita tertawa riang, esok lusa menangis hiba dan tulat kembali tersenyum gembira dan seterusnya. Saya percaya bahawa kehidupan manusia diciptakan dengan suka-duka untuk menguji manusia itu. Melalui pengalaman, mereka boleh belajar dan mengenali diri mereka. Saya berusaha untuk berpegang kepada prinsip, "There is no bad things that is too bad and there is no good things that is too good". Ini mengambarkan bahawa setiap perkara itu mempunyai cacat celanya. Tiada yang sempurna.
P/S: Perlu bersiap untuk perbincangan bersama ahli kumpulan dan juga latihan. Sehingga bertemu lagi diari.
Hurm... Macam tiada kerja langsung perlu dibuat. Hahaha..
Bercakap tentang kerja, seram bila mengingatkan bagaimana perjalanan hidup saya pada minggu hadapan. Tugasan-tugasan yang perlu dihantar, dilaksanakan, dihadiri, dsb. Saya perlu persiapkan diri dari segi mental dan fizikal. Semuanya akan menguji kesabaran, kepantasan, kecekapan, ketenangan, dan juga penyelesaian yang dijana. Saya amat berharap semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar. Saya seorang yang sukakan cabaran kerana ia menguji kemahiran dan tahap kesabaran. Melalui cabaran, kita dapat mempelajari banyak perkara dan dapat menimba pengalaman. Ada yang pahit dan ada yang manis. Begitulah ragam kehidupan. Hari ini kita tertawa riang, esok lusa menangis hiba dan tulat kembali tersenyum gembira dan seterusnya. Saya percaya bahawa kehidupan manusia diciptakan dengan suka-duka untuk menguji manusia itu. Melalui pengalaman, mereka boleh belajar dan mengenali diri mereka. Saya berusaha untuk berpegang kepada prinsip, "There is no bad things that is too bad and there is no good things that is too good". Ini mengambarkan bahawa setiap perkara itu mempunyai cacat celanya. Tiada yang sempurna.
P/S: Perlu bersiap untuk perbincangan bersama ahli kumpulan dan juga latihan. Sehingga bertemu lagi diari.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
setelah sekian lama
Hurm. Memang sudah lama tidak menulis dalam bahasa Melayu. Apa yang ingin saya tulis pada hari ini? Bukan sesuatu yang sangat serius, cuma soalan ini telah bermain dalam kepala saya sejak beberapa minggu lepas. Seorang pensyarah telah mengutarakan isu ini dan saya bersetuju dengan pendapat beliau.
"Kebanyakkan manusia pada masa kini menilai sesuatu pernyataan berdasarkan SIAPA yang menyatakannya dan bukan lagi APA yang dinyatakan."
Maafkan saya jika ada yang terasa, tetapi ini adalah suatu kenyataan. Realiti kehidupan. Seseorang cenderung menilai pernyataan sesorang itu berdasarkan 'siapa' yang berkata-kata. Jika mereka tidak menyukai seseorang itu, mereka tidak akan mendengar atau mengambil peduli apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang tersebut. Cakaplah seribu kebaikkan kepada sesorang, kalau dia memang tidak suka dengan kamu, jangan haraplah apa yang kamu katakan itu akan diterima. Pernyataan ini sudah tentulah berdasarkan personaliti sesorang individu tersebut. Ada individu yang masih boleh menerima apa yang diperkatakan oleh sesorang yang mereka tidak suka dan sebaliknya.
Jika difikir secara lojik, kita harus menilai apa yang disampaikan berdasarkan kesahihan, kebenaran, dan nilai cerita yang cuba disampaikan. Bukannya secara membabi buta mengahakimi apa yang diperkatakan itu tidak benar hanya kerana kita membenci atau tidak suka dengan individu tersebut. Berapa ramai kah individu yang mengambilkira nilai cerita atau berita yang disampaikan sebelum menilai siapa yang menyampaikannya? Kebanyakkan daripada kita bias terhadap sesetengah berita hanya kerana orang yang menyampaikan berita tersebut tidak disukai atau dibenci. Sebagai contoh, individu A tidak suka dengan individu B kerana sikap atau apa yang pernah dilakukan oleh individu B. Individu A akan membuat tidak tahu atau tidak akan mengambil berat apa yang individu B perkatakan. Mungkin individu B pernah membuat kesilapan terhadap individu A tetapi itu tidak bermakna apa yang individu B cuba sampaikan itu 100% salah.
Sebagai seorang pelajar Universiti, kita seharusnya lebih peka dengan berita yang kita terima. Kita tidak boleh menolak 100% apa yang disampaikan seseorang itu ataupun menerima bulat-bulat sesebuah berita. Apa yang paling penting, kita seharusnya tahu menilai sesebuah berita itu. Pemikiran seorang pelajar seharusnya lebih terbuka kerana mereka mempunyai banyak altenatif untuk mencari kebenaran sesuatu perkara. Apa gunanya pendidikan yang kita pelajari sekiranya kita masih berada ditampuk pemikiran yang sama? Mengambilkira bicara kedua-dua pihak adalah sesuatu yang relevan, dan penilaian seharusnya dibuat berdasarkan apa yang dinyatakan oleh pihak tersebut. Penilaian mengikut emosi adalah sesuatu yang kurang rasional untuk dilakukan.
Akhir kata, saya ingin menekankan bahawa apa yang saya tulis bukanlah tertumpu kepada individu tertentu tetapi lebih kepada respon kepada isu yang pensyarah itu luahkan. Teringat kembali kata-kata pensyarah pada semester lepas, "Perkara yang baik tu kita simpanlah sebagai pegangan dan amalkan, yang buruk itu, kita jadikanlah peringatan dan ubahlah secara perlahan-lahan."
"Kebanyakkan manusia pada masa kini menilai sesuatu pernyataan berdasarkan SIAPA yang menyatakannya dan bukan lagi APA yang dinyatakan."
Maafkan saya jika ada yang terasa, tetapi ini adalah suatu kenyataan. Realiti kehidupan. Seseorang cenderung menilai pernyataan sesorang itu berdasarkan 'siapa' yang berkata-kata. Jika mereka tidak menyukai seseorang itu, mereka tidak akan mendengar atau mengambil peduli apa yang diperkatakan oleh orang tersebut. Cakaplah seribu kebaikkan kepada sesorang, kalau dia memang tidak suka dengan kamu, jangan haraplah apa yang kamu katakan itu akan diterima. Pernyataan ini sudah tentulah berdasarkan personaliti sesorang individu tersebut. Ada individu yang masih boleh menerima apa yang diperkatakan oleh sesorang yang mereka tidak suka dan sebaliknya.
Jika difikir secara lojik, kita harus menilai apa yang disampaikan berdasarkan kesahihan, kebenaran, dan nilai cerita yang cuba disampaikan. Bukannya secara membabi buta mengahakimi apa yang diperkatakan itu tidak benar hanya kerana kita membenci atau tidak suka dengan individu tersebut. Berapa ramai kah individu yang mengambilkira nilai cerita atau berita yang disampaikan sebelum menilai siapa yang menyampaikannya? Kebanyakkan daripada kita bias terhadap sesetengah berita hanya kerana orang yang menyampaikan berita tersebut tidak disukai atau dibenci. Sebagai contoh, individu A tidak suka dengan individu B kerana sikap atau apa yang pernah dilakukan oleh individu B. Individu A akan membuat tidak tahu atau tidak akan mengambil berat apa yang individu B perkatakan. Mungkin individu B pernah membuat kesilapan terhadap individu A tetapi itu tidak bermakna apa yang individu B cuba sampaikan itu 100% salah.
Sebagai seorang pelajar Universiti, kita seharusnya lebih peka dengan berita yang kita terima. Kita tidak boleh menolak 100% apa yang disampaikan seseorang itu ataupun menerima bulat-bulat sesebuah berita. Apa yang paling penting, kita seharusnya tahu menilai sesebuah berita itu. Pemikiran seorang pelajar seharusnya lebih terbuka kerana mereka mempunyai banyak altenatif untuk mencari kebenaran sesuatu perkara. Apa gunanya pendidikan yang kita pelajari sekiranya kita masih berada ditampuk pemikiran yang sama? Mengambilkira bicara kedua-dua pihak adalah sesuatu yang relevan, dan penilaian seharusnya dibuat berdasarkan apa yang dinyatakan oleh pihak tersebut. Penilaian mengikut emosi adalah sesuatu yang kurang rasional untuk dilakukan.
Akhir kata, saya ingin menekankan bahawa apa yang saya tulis bukanlah tertumpu kepada individu tertentu tetapi lebih kepada respon kepada isu yang pensyarah itu luahkan. Teringat kembali kata-kata pensyarah pada semester lepas, "Perkara yang baik tu kita simpanlah sebagai pegangan dan amalkan, yang buruk itu, kita jadikanlah peringatan dan ubahlah secara perlahan-lahan."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wounded by Good Charlotte
Lost and broken,
Hopeless and lonely.
Smiling on the outside,
and hurt beneath my skin.
My eyes are fading,
My soul is bleeding.
I'll try to make it seem okay,
But my faith is wearing thin.
So help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open,
And I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me sew them up.
I only wanted a magazine,
I only wanted a movie screen,
I only wanted the life I'd read about and dreamed.
And now my mind is an open book,
And now my heart is an open wound,
And now my life is an open soul for all to see.
But help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open and I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me,
So you come along,
I push you away,
Then kick and scream for you to stay.
Cuz I need someone to help me,
Oh I need someone to help me,
To help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open,
And I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me sew them,
I need someone to help me fill them,
I need someone to help me close them up.
P/S: Heard this song while doing some revision...(wooooo~) This song is sang by one of my favorite band, Good Charlotte! Never heard this song before... This song was very nice.. I've been loving GC since secondary school.. After I received their cassette "The Young and The Hopeless" as a present from a friend...Okay, actually my boyfriend that time.. :p ...During that time still using cassette...hahaha....
Hopeless and lonely.
Smiling on the outside,
and hurt beneath my skin.
My eyes are fading,
My soul is bleeding.
I'll try to make it seem okay,
But my faith is wearing thin.
So help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open,
And I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me sew them up.
I only wanted a magazine,
I only wanted a movie screen,
I only wanted the life I'd read about and dreamed.
And now my mind is an open book,
And now my heart is an open wound,
And now my life is an open soul for all to see.
But help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open and I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me,
So you come along,
I push you away,
Then kick and scream for you to stay.
Cuz I need someone to help me,
Oh I need someone to help me,
To help me heal these wounds,
They've been open for way too long.
Help me fill this hole,
Even though this is not your fault,
That I'm open,
And I'm bleeding,
All over your brand new rug.
And I need someone to help me sew them,
I need someone to help me fill them,
I need someone to help me close them up.
P/S: Heard this song while doing some revision...(wooooo~) This song is sang by one of my favorite band, Good Charlotte! Never heard this song before... This song was very nice.. I've been loving GC since secondary school.. After I received their cassette "The Young and The Hopeless" as a present from a friend...Okay, actually my boyfriend that time.. :p ...During that time still using cassette...hahaha....
This is the cover...
And the tracks inside this album:
1. A New Beginning
2. The Anthem
3. Lifestyle of The Rich and The Famous
4. Wondering
5. The Story of My Old Man
6. Girls & Boys
7. My Bloody Valentine
8. Hold On
9. Riot Girl
10. Say Anything
11. The Day That I Die
12. The Young and The Hopeless
13. Emotionless
14. Movin On
Almost all the song I remember the lyric except the last track(Movin On)..Hahaha.. And also the ' A New Beginning' track because the song basically only instrumental..:p I can spend whole day listening only to these songs (what a boring girl huh?) The song that I liked the most is the 'Emotionless'... Quite a sad song and I can drop my tears when listen to the song... But overall, I like all the song! After exposed to Good Charlotte, I begin to fall in love with the band.... I kind of miss my old time favorite bands such as Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Boyzone, Blue, etc...(eh, wrong genre...hahaha..But I still love them too..:D) I mean Sum41, Blink182, Simple Plan, Green Day, Linkin Park............. (and many more)... I kind of miss all these bands(time to reminisce back all the songs...hahaha)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Happy Chap Goh Mei
Okay, today is the last day of Chinese New Year, Happy Chap Goh Mei everyone..:D
Today is full moon... The moon is shining brightly... And yes, it never fail to remind me of you...(Well, I always remember you...) The full moon always inspire me to write.. I can't say that the moon represent my heart, cause it will be sound ridiculous!
My Night with You
Bella Luna,
shine my night..
Bella Luna,
light my heart..
Bella Luna,
so hard to grasp..
watching you enough for me to smile...
Bella Luna,
though you far away,
you never fail to mesmerize..
Oh day please don't come..
Let me watch this Luna just for a another while..
I just want to have another one night..
One night is all I need to watch this unreachable Luna..
Look so bright,
up so high...
Look so close yet far to reach...
That is you Luna..
But that doesn't stop me from longing for you...
I'll just sit here and watch this Luna..
Bella Luna....
1.07 am
Today is full moon... The moon is shining brightly... And yes, it never fail to remind me of you...(Well, I always remember you...) The full moon always inspire me to write.. I can't say that the moon represent my heart, cause it will be sound ridiculous!
My Night with You
Bella Luna,
shine my night..
Bella Luna,
light my heart..
Bella Luna,
so hard to grasp..
watching you enough for me to smile...
Bella Luna,
though you far away,
you never fail to mesmerize..
Oh day please don't come..
Let me watch this Luna just for a another while..
I just want to have another one night..
One night is all I need to watch this unreachable Luna..
Look so bright,
up so high...
Look so close yet far to reach...
That is you Luna..
But that doesn't stop me from longing for you...
I'll just sit here and watch this Luna..
Bella Luna....
1.07 am
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Especially to Lally Liong
Happy birthday to u~
Happy birthday to u~
Happy birthday to May May~
Happy birthday to u~
Today 15th of February 2011 is my cousin Lally Liong birthday...
Who is she?
(cruelest statement for you on your birthday...hahaha...)
I'm just kidding by the way...
For your birthday I don't know what to give..
So I just do these for you....
*front page*
So don't angry-angry there k?
(nanti cepat TUA,hehehe)
Don't say I didn't sayang you there k?
For me, the pemalas to do this..
It need lot of effort...
(so nanti saya balik, terpaksa-rela la ko belanja saya ni)
Its my product with using Photoshop..
Looks like really don't have work to do huh?
Never mind, for you assignments can be left aside..
(kunun, minta puji jak..LOL)
P/S: Sound very pathetic huh my post? I don't care.. I'm a bit air-head so say what you want... well, maybe this is the influence of overflowing feelings that unspoken, unfold, untold, unintended, bla..bla..bla..Okay, it's a LIES or TRUTHS? I can't tell too.. Nothing seems real or fake to me right now... The only truths are? Assignments and plenty of works..I'm looking forward to finish those piling works that suffocating me....bla..bla..bla...(end up writing too many out of topic) Okay...The main purpose of this post is only to wish her 'Happy Birthday!' (sakit kepala, kabur pandangan, pening-pening, simpton badan perlukan TIDUR..)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Changed Font!
Okay, why suddenly I change font?
1. I received some comments from colleagues about my "Crafty Girl" font.
"Pink, sakit mata saya tengok blog ko ni....", from ******
"Pink, susahla nak baca...", from ******
"Pink, nampak serabut la tulisan dalam blog ko ni.....", from ******
"Nampak girly sangat......", from ******
*and a few more comments and basically its the same problem... Name cannot be display due to their privacy..:p
2. I have mentioned before that I'm interested and would like to try others font as well.. And previously I said I'll try the "Coming Soon" font.. Here we are~ (but me myself haven't slim down...LOL)
3. I love the "Crafty Girl" font, it was so cute. But not practical. Why? Like the comment mentioned, I also have the difficulty to read my own post. Sometimes I like to go through my post to recall some events or things I had written, so its quite 'menyusahkan diri sendiri'. (sakit mata la~LOL)
P/S: I know I had this hard headed behavior and love to argue...(xmau kalah la katakan~) But sometimes opinion can make me thinks further. I'm not sure whether it is good or not. Who cares anyway? Only me..:D
1. I received some comments from colleagues about my "Crafty Girl" font.
"Pink, sakit mata saya tengok blog ko ni....", from ******
"Pink, susahla nak baca...", from ******
"Pink, nampak serabut la tulisan dalam blog ko ni.....", from ******
"Nampak girly sangat......", from ******
*and a few more comments and basically its the same problem... Name cannot be display due to their privacy..:p
2. I have mentioned before that I'm interested and would like to try others font as well.. And previously I said I'll try the "Coming Soon" font.. Here we are~ (but me myself haven't slim down...LOL)
3. I love the "Crafty Girl" font, it was so cute. But not practical. Why? Like the comment mentioned, I also have the difficulty to read my own post. Sometimes I like to go through my post to recall some events or things I had written, so its quite 'menyusahkan diri sendiri'. (sakit mata la~LOL)
P/S: I know I had this hard headed behavior and love to argue...(xmau kalah la katakan~) But sometimes opinion can make me thinks further. I'm not sure whether it is good or not. Who cares anyway? Only me..:D
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Ya, dan saya masih belum tidur! Bukan tidak ingin tidur tetapi tersangkut kerana melayari Facebook sebentar tadi. Masih banyak kerja yang perlu disiapkan dan saya masih dalam proses untuk menyiapkan semua tugasan yang berlambak! Sekarang saya masih berfikir samada saya perlu menghadirkan diri ke gim pagi nanti. Sudah ponteng beberapa minggu disebabkan kes terlajak tidur. XD Apa yang saya ingin coretkan disini pada waktu ini? Hurm... Hari Valentine hanya tinggal dua hari. Hari Valentine pada tahun ini? Tidak pasti tentang sambutan. Tetapi yang pasti? Saya ada 2 pembentangan pada hari yang sama! Dijangkakan sibuk pada hari tersebut. bercakap tentang sibuk, saya berharap masa akan berlalu dengan pantas. Setelah masa itu semua berlalu, beban kerja yang berlambak ini berjaya diselesaikan. Saya akan teruskan berusaha untuk menyiapkan kerja yang memang berlambak-lambak ini! (membayangkan perasaan apabila semua kerja telah disiapkan) *senyum tiba-tiba* Baiklah! Sebagai pendorong untuk menyiapkan kerja, saya akan menyenaraikan kerja atau aktiviti yang perlu diselesaikan secepat yang mungkin.
1. Pembentangan YKT112 -14Feb *selesai*
2. Pembentangan ATW395 - 14 Feb*selesai*
3. Ujian Pertengahan Semester ATW395 - 5March
4. Ujian Pertengahan Semester ATW401 - 17Feb*selesai*
5. Kajian Kes AMW342 - 18 Feb*selesai*
6. Ujian Pertengahan Semester AMP354 - 22Feb*selesai*
7. Pembentangan TITAS - 1March
8. Hantar tugasan kumpulan ATW401 - 3March
9. Hantar tugasan kumpulan YKT112 - 4March
10. Hantar tugasan kumpulan AMW342 - 4March
11. Malam Citra Bayu - 6March (latihan setiap hari bermula 14Feb)
12. Latihan (Isnin,Khamis, Ahad) *
Perhatian: Saya akan SIBUK menyiapkan semua yang saya senaraikan diatas. Saya berharap saya mampu menyelesaikan semua tugasan yang ada dan menghantar kerja pada masa yang ditetapkan. (saya BOLEH!) Masih ada tugas yang perlu saya selesaikan tetapi pada masa 3minggu ini, perkara diatas menjadi prioriti utama. Pada perkara yang terabai, saya akan fokus selepas ini. Sila tabah dalam menyiapkan tugasan! Jangan biarkan emosi, fikiran dan persekitaran menjadi penghalang! (FOKUS-FOKUS-FOKUS) Sempena Valentine day yang bakal tiba, saya ingin mengucapkan " Happy Valentine Day" kepada semua rakan-rakan, keluarga, sahabat-handai dan kaum kerabat (macam ucapan Hari Raya Aidilfitri pula..:p)
Kepada Aizuddin yang jauh di mata dekat di hati, saya sangat merindui awak! Hahaha.. :p
3. Ujian Pertengahan Semester ATW395 - 5March
7. Pembentangan TITAS - 1March
8. Hantar tugasan kumpulan ATW401 - 3March
9. Hantar tugasan kumpulan YKT112 - 4March
10. Hantar tugasan kumpulan AMW342 - 4March
11. Malam Citra Bayu - 6March (latihan setiap hari bermula 14Feb)
12. Latihan (Isnin,Khamis, Ahad) *
Perhatian: Saya akan SIBUK menyiapkan semua yang saya senaraikan diatas. Saya berharap saya mampu menyelesaikan semua tugasan yang ada dan menghantar kerja pada masa yang ditetapkan. (saya BOLEH!) Masih ada tugas yang perlu saya selesaikan tetapi pada masa 3minggu ini, perkara diatas menjadi prioriti utama. Pada perkara yang terabai, saya akan fokus selepas ini. Sila tabah dalam menyiapkan tugasan! Jangan biarkan emosi, fikiran dan persekitaran menjadi penghalang! (FOKUS-FOKUS-FOKUS) Sempena Valentine day yang bakal tiba, saya ingin mengucapkan " Happy Valentine Day" kepada semua rakan-rakan, keluarga, sahabat-handai dan kaum kerabat (macam ucapan Hari Raya Aidilfitri pula..:p)
Kepada Aizuddin yang jauh di mata dekat di hati, saya sangat merindui awak! Hahaha.. :p
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thinking Of Me by Olly Murs
Winter time in London are you making plans
Are you still rocking converse with your old Raybans
If you’re sitting in the places that we used to be
Or if you’re somewhere listening to Bob Marley
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
Do you still pick up the seashells on that pebble beach
Remember when that crab came up and pinched your feet
When that old guy gave us all those drinks for free
Do you still get knocked down by that Bacardi breeze
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
(Oh yes you are)
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
(oh uh yeh yeah)
No point regretting that it didn’t last
No point regretting that it went so fast
Time that we had was like sand in our hand
But when I look behind
I’m so glad that you were mine
I remember taking you home on that 86
Standing in your doorway where we used to kiss
Then your Dad came out and chased me down the street
If you remember just how scared I used to be
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me
Bumped into Irene down in waterloo
She told me that you got yourself somebody new
She said you musta like him cos he’s oh so nice
But I remember that you like a pinch of spice
Well I
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
Are you still rocking converse with your old Raybans
If you’re sitting in the places that we used to be
Or if you’re somewhere listening to Bob Marley
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
Do you still pick up the seashells on that pebble beach
Remember when that crab came up and pinched your feet
When that old guy gave us all those drinks for free
Do you still get knocked down by that Bacardi breeze
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
(Oh yes you are)
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
(oh uh yeh yeah)
No point regretting that it didn’t last
No point regretting that it went so fast
Time that we had was like sand in our hand
But when I look behind
I’m so glad that you were mine
I remember taking you home on that 86
Standing in your doorway where we used to kiss
Then your Dad came out and chased me down the street
If you remember just how scared I used to be
Then I know that you’re somewhere thinking of me
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me
Bumped into Irene down in waterloo
She told me that you got yourself somebody new
She said you musta like him cos he’s oh so nice
But I remember that you like a pinch of spice
Well I
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
I know wherever you go
That you’ll be thinking about me now
P/S: Okay, I need to change my mood! Too sad can't make me sleep.. (maybe sleep with !@#$%^&* dream!) This song bringing some positive nerve to my brain.. I hope I will dream better tonight.. :p "Then I know that you somewhere thinking of me~~" Love this verse! Hope you thinking of me too.. Hahahah.. Well, you might not thinking of me.. Just want to tell you that I always thinking of you.. Please come out in my dream tonight.. :p Night world.. I need to recharge get full of energy tomorrow(I mean TODAY..X-D), to run all my plan...Time ticking! Not much time left! Miss you~ XOXO... :-D
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri
I know I can't take one more step towards you
‘Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
Learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
‘Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back
[Chorus x2]
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
P/S: What a sad song... But I like the music and lyric arrangement.. Argh!
‘Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
I hear you're asking all around
If I am anywhere to be found
But I have grown too strong
To ever fall back in your arms
Learned to live, half alive
And now you want me one more time
It took so long just to feel alright
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
‘Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back
[Chorus x2]
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
P/S: What a sad song... But I like the music and lyric arrangement.. Argh!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Saya terbangun dari tidur dengan seribu pertanyaan. Pada kebelakangan ini, saya kerap mendapat mimpi yang menyedihkan. Tetapi airmata bagaikan telah kering dari tubir mata saya. Apkah ini satu petanda bahawa sedih akan kembali menjadi episod dalam hidup? Mimpi yang datang bagaikan memberikan amaran kepada saya. Sekiranya sedih kembali menghiasi ruang perasaan, saya tidak yakin dapat melaluinya lagi. Mungkin saya perlu optimis agar perasaan ini tidak mengganggu kehidupan saya. Saya benci apabila perasaan seperti ini membuatkan diri saya lemah. Hati, sila jangan tergugat. Perasaan, tenangkan lah dirimu. Fikiran, sila fokus kepada perkara lain yang lebih penting, jangan biarkan kamu dikuasai oleh perasaan negatif. Sekian.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sekadar Peringatan Diri
Selasa, 8Feb 2011
Hari ni saya bagaikan telah bangun dari mimpi yang panjang. Saya menyedari bahawa saya tidak menggunakan pemikiran kritis dan terlalu santai dalam kehidupan seharian. Bagaikan berfikir tetapi hanya sekadar pada tahap minimum. Terlalu banyak masa dihabiskan dengan perkara yang kurang penting dan saya mengabaikan perkara yang penting hanya kerana saya malas berfikir. Memang susah untuk saya menafikan saya seorang yang pemalas. Perkataan 'malas' itu sendiri telah menjajah pemikiran saya. Susah bagi saya untuk meyakinkan diri saya seorang yang rajin. Kadang-kala saya merindui sifat suka mengambil tahu dan mempersoalkan sesuatu perkara. Saya seperti kehausan informasi terkini yang boleh menambah pengetahuan am. Membaca? Memang ini adalah satu inisiatif yang boleh diambil sebagai langkah untuk menambah pengetahuan. Tetapi, sebelum itu saya harus mempunyai keinginan yang kuat untuk melakukan perkara tersebut, membaca. Saya mempunyai masalah untuk fokus pada satu perkara. Saya seperti merasakan diri saya semakin bodoh selepas masuk ke universiti. Bukan masalah universiti tapi diri saya. Saya merasakan sukar untuk merangsang diri saya untuk berfikir tentang akademik terutamanya. Semua orang mengingankan yang terbaik dalam kehidupan mereka. Tetapi adakah mereka melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencapainya? saya harus lebih fokus dalam mencapai perkara yang saya inginkan. Bukan tidak mencuba, mungkin usaha itu tidak memadai. Saya tidak tahu bila saya akan mencapai apa yang saya inginkan tetapi saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk mencapainya. Saya harus kembali fokus kepada perkara yang lebih penting dan saya akan selalu mengingatkan diri saya agar kembali fokus dan berusaha degan lebih gigih.
P/S: Entri ini ditulis untuk memotivasikan diri sendiri. Agak pelik menulis dalam bahasa Melayu tapi kelainan itu perlu jika memberi kebaikan kepada diri. Berusaha! :D
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday Afternoon
Argh~ Today is Sunday! That's mean tomorrow is Monday! The first day of attending class after holiday of 1week! I just woke up around 4 hours ago. Went to bed at 3am but sleep around 4.30am. Been rolling on my bed, can't sleep! I woke up because I feel something is moving inside my ear! Producing some weird sound and make me feel uncomfortable. I knew it! Another stupid ant crawling into my ear. This is the second time! The ant went out without any drastic actions taken. :p Now I'm here at my desk, typing this post to plan what I want to do for the rest of this day!
1.Revise on TITAS - have midterm on this Tuesday.
2. Revise on Service Marketing - Midterm on Friday
3.MCB! - music@song, SMS, etc~
4. Service Marketing assignment.
I guess thats all for today. Can't be too greedy in planing. Have to be more realistic in setting target.
P/S: Suddenly feel very SICK...:p
2. Revise on Service Marketing - Midterm on Friday
4. Service Marketing assignment.
I guess thats all for today. Can't be too greedy in planing. Have to be more realistic in setting target.
P/S: Suddenly feel very SICK...:p
XX See, its not that much but can't be completed...haish....only managed to complete 2task...T.TXX
I managed to change the LOOKS of my blog!
(after trial and error for 4hours!)
Thats mean... Again I'm not revising!
(susah hati tahap gaban!)
*really need to SEDAR DIRI now...TITAS and Consumer behavior Midterm...Assignments...Practices*
Saturday, February 5, 2011
What You Got by Abs Green
Hit the block around twenty to nine,
Checking my girl
But then I see this girl looking fine
So I asked if she wouldn't mind
Could you tell me your name and what your doing tonight
A body like nuntin' I seen
She telling me she own the cover of GQ magazine
Telling me she had to go so I dropped her at the spot in my 4x4
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, see you at the same time next week!
Baby give me what you got
''cause I'm everything that she's not!
Love is all I bring
In the car keys, suit and tings
So hunny leave your girl at home
With your car keys mobile phone
Love is all I got
All the things that make you hot
Got my woman crazy on the phone
She talking about why aint my ass aint at home
Had to tell her I was stuck
In some brand new buissness
I was all tyed up
Told the girl I was late, had to run
I gotta be back stage at a quater past nine.
Telling me to change my mind
She like Britney Spears Baby hit me one more time!
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, she you at the same time next week!
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, she you at the same time next week
No buck no style
Our strinkly rules (to fade)
P/S: Found this song at my music folder few years ago.. I don't know how the song is in there.. But I fall in love with this song from the first time I heard this song..Make me wanna dance!:p
Checking my girl
But then I see this girl looking fine
So I asked if she wouldn't mind
Could you tell me your name and what your doing tonight
A body like nuntin' I seen
She telling me she own the cover of GQ magazine
Telling me she had to go so I dropped her at the spot in my 4x4
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, see you at the same time next week!
Baby give me what you got
''cause I'm everything that she's not!
Love is all I bring
In the car keys, suit and tings
So hunny leave your girl at home
With your car keys mobile phone
Love is all I got
All the things that make you hot
Got my woman crazy on the phone
She talking about why aint my ass aint at home
Had to tell her I was stuck
In some brand new buissness
I was all tyed up
Told the girl I was late, had to run
I gotta be back stage at a quater past nine.
Telling me to change my mind
She like Britney Spears Baby hit me one more time!
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, she you at the same time next week!
(So I told her) I can't be late, the girls taking up my time gotta hit her at the line
(So I told her) I can't wait to freak, she you at the same time next week
No buck no style
Our strinkly rules (to fade)
P/S: Found this song at my music folder few years ago.. I don't know how the song is in there.. But I fall in love with this song from the first time I heard this song..Make me wanna dance!:p
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow
I've been long, a long way from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,
And drank til I was thirsty again
We went searching through thrift store jungles
Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
And Benny Goodman's corset and pen
Well, o.k. I made this up
I promised you I'd never give up
If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad
You get down, real low down
You listen to Coltrane, derail your own train
Well who hasn't been there before?
I come round, around the hard way
Bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread
And serve you french toast again
Well, o.k. I still get stoned
I'm not the kind of girl you'd take home
We've been far, far away from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos
And everywhere in between
Well, o.k. we get along
So what if right now everything's wrong?
P/S: This song is soundtrack for a film/movie/drama (if I'm not mistaken)... I couldn't recalled it...But its quite a nice song..:)
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,
And drank til I was thirsty again
We went searching through thrift store jungles
Found Geronimo's rifle, Marilyn's shampoo
And Benny Goodman's corset and pen
Well, o.k. I made this up
I promised you I'd never give up
If it makes you happy
It can't be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad
You get down, real low down
You listen to Coltrane, derail your own train
Well who hasn't been there before?
I come round, around the hard way
Bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread
And serve you french toast again
Well, o.k. I still get stoned
I'm not the kind of girl you'd take home
We've been far, far away from here
Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos
And everywhere in between
Well, o.k. we get along
So what if right now everything's wrong?
P/S: This song is soundtrack for a film/movie/drama (if I'm not mistaken)... I couldn't recalled it...But its quite a nice song..:)
This is AWESOME!!!
This is so awesome! It really awesome! I love the new choices of Font.. While changing the layouts just now, I was like.....
"WOW, this is really awesome!"
And my room mate react......
"Oh, you just realized? It's been long time they have that choices.."
So I know, its really been long time I had changed the layouts, etc.. Well to be honest, I'm quite 'ketinggalan zaman'... Hahahaha... But I just cannot deny and I'm saying this over and over again, this is really awesome! And another issue just arise.. Which font I should use for my blog? LOL.. For the time being I will use this font.. Thanks Blogspot! I love this 'gemuk-bulat-berekor' font! Hehehehe.. This font called "Crafty Girl"..There are another font called "Coming Soon" that catchs my attention.. Almost the same like the "Crafty Girl", just that this one is 'sedang-sedang saja' or just nice shape.. LOL..
P/S: I feel like I'm "Crafty Girl" now, based on my current size..But I'm not 'berekor' and not that 'gemuk-bulat'! < reality do hurt hurh?:p > hahahaha... Maybe in the future, I'll become the 'sedang-sedang saja'...Ya, "Coming Soon"...hahahah...)
"WOW, this is really awesome!"
And my room mate react......
"Oh, you just realized? It's been long time they have that choices.."
So I know, its really been long time I had changed the layouts, etc.. Well to be honest, I'm quite 'ketinggalan zaman'... Hahahaha... But I just cannot deny and I'm saying this over and over again, this is really awesome! And another issue just arise.. Which font I should use for my blog? LOL.. For the time being I will use this font.. Thanks Blogspot! I love this 'gemuk-bulat-berekor' font! Hehehehe.. This font called "Crafty Girl"..There are another font called "Coming Soon" that catchs my attention.. Almost the same like the "Crafty Girl", just that this one is 'sedang-sedang saja' or just nice shape.. LOL..
P/S: I feel like I'm "Crafty Girl" now, based on my current size..But I'm not '
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I'm joining this! :D
Recently I had joined this contest called B.U.D.A.Y.A. Costume Modelling Competition..
What is this competition about?
Its a costume competition where we post a picture using any costume related to any countries..
This competition was organized by B.U.D.A.Y.A. USM...
The picture that get the most 'LIKE' will win an unknown EXCLUSIVE prize...
But I'm excited because this is the first time I join something like this in USM..
(obviously because it was first time they organized it...hahahha)
I have posted this picture to join this contest...
In the picture I'm with one of my best buddy in USM..
Esteranza @ Joe....(borrow ur name here..:p)
This costume is Korean culture costume...
I feel honored because I have the opportunity to wear this cloth!
I have asked the price of this cloth and they say it was worth RM1000++
(jaw dropped...)
Its like once in a lifetime opportunity....
I wear it for free...(while distributing some pamphlet at DK foyer..)
Initially I want to post this picture:
But my roomate had submitted her picture using the same costume..
(which is I'm inside the picture too...XD)
She submitted this picture:
This costume is from Borneo Sabah...
It was Murut costume..
The picture of me only was taken last year during Malam Citra Bayu...
We won the 'Best Choreographer' award...
And the group picture was taken during October 2010..
D'Borneo Bayu (PERSIS USM Dancers) with Arja Lee...
We were doing charity night called 'Finale Concert We Care Tawau Project'
(I think I have mentioned it before here-->>Tawau Project- We Care)
(Summary of October 2010 for some of the pictures that day)
Back to the main topic here....
To vote the pictures, first of all must 'Like' the B.U.D.A.Y.A. page...
To vote my picture, you can go to this link :
Its my first time so into a competition like this...
Please vote for me so that I can get Top 5...XD
Off course you can like whichever pictures you like there..
(wah, I'm doing promotion for all the pictures there...)
Healthy competition eh? :D
I love Bleach anime and manga!
The anime is still ongoing same like the manga..
But the manga is far more latest than the anime..
The anime is sometimes quite 'out of story'...
(please just follow the manga!)
Why I like Bleach?
Because the characters are cool! Super cool!
And there are part that very funny!
Lets go through some of the character that I think is COOL..:p
The anime is still ongoing same like the manga..
But the manga is far more latest than the anime..
The anime is sometimes quite 'out of story'...
(please just follow the manga!)
Why I like Bleach?
Because the characters are cool! Super cool!
And there are part that very funny!
Lets go through some of the character that I think is COOL..:p
Ichimaru Gin.
Cannot see his eyes clearly...
Mysterious character...
Always look cool and doesn't speak often..
Like things that are interesting and mysterious...
Genius and tricky...
Have bond with Rangiku (undefined)
Aizen Sosuke
Surprisingly tricky...
Have innocent look and deceived Soul Society Shinigami...
Cool and SUPER cool..(again)
He is so confident with his power...
Cannot predict his actions..
He is like "I know everything" character..
Genius, like challenges and know how to manipulate people..
Ichigo Kurosaki
The main character..
Strong and mysterious guy...
Determined and loyal character..
He is responsible and straight forward...
"Kill if only necessary" hero..
Brave and have good character..
Have the power of both shinigami and hollow...
Zaraki Kenpachi.
Mysterious and strong guy...
Like strong opponent and love fighting..
Also called monster because of his power from his right eyes and brutal strength..
His Zanpaktuo has no specific power and name...
Look very scary but straight forward character..
Kuchiki Byakuya..
Protective brother..
Value his pride and dignity..
Have very cool look..
Almost have no feelings..
Smart and mysterious..
Ishida Uryuu
Ichigo friend..
One of the Quincy...
His power is quite different and mysterious...
Hate Shinigami but value friendship...
Genius and but sometimes overconfident..
Always have back up plan..
Think fast and react fast..
his father :
Ishida Ryuken.
Also have very COOL look...
These are some of the cool characters in Bleach. I cannot continue to search others because I'm quite SLEEPY now... I want to take a short nap... XD...ZzzZZzzZZZZZzzzZZ
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