♥♥Just about what I have gone through every day... So it will remind me of my life path up until now... I want to express it with words... My small brain can’t afford to keep it all... The language may 'Campur2' because it’s my diary after all... who will cares anyway??? XD♥♥

♥♥Life not always happen like you have planned.. Everyday there will be surprises happening in your life.. Treasure it.. Appreciate it.. It may not always happen.. And maybe will not happen again..♥♥

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Kau tau kau penat
Kau lelah dan mau rehat
Kau rasa kau penat
Keluhan kau semakin berat
Minda menenang perasaan mencengkam
Kau tau itu bukan urusan kau
Kau pilih untuk mengambil tahu
Mengapa pilih untuk menyeksa jiwa?
Selamat malam bintang-bintang
Selamat malam perasaan

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