*project for the day...:p*
*After sticking all the sticker*
*Bought these books yesterday at Foyer DK...*
*Haven't start read those books, still in their wrapping...hahahah*
*Taddaaaaaa~~~Cute isn't it?*
*hahaha...it just my table new look! *
*the remaining of keyboard word sticker destination...ahakz...*
*I also bought textbooks~ Expensive! And that give me reason to read those books!hahahah*
= Busy from afternoon to evening...huh!Only 1 class but doing a LOT of thing in one day...Then attended Karate Class and discussion at night...Tired! *but sleep around 4am!hahaaha*
= TITAS class... presentation had postponed to 1MARCH! and I've been working on that like hell! First time attend tutorial for consumer behavior, communication for social development and entrepreneurship...:p..At night got Consumer Behavior class! Whole day of not so energetic...DAMN SLEEPY...but at night? Still sleep around 3-4am..
= Going to hospital Pulau Pinang.. Eyes appointment...Then sleep inside bus, almost miss the station...hahaha...lesson of the day," Don't eat ICE-CREAM during way back to USM/ in the bus during afternoon..(You will feel sleepy!)"...Blaming the Ice-cream..hahahha...Went to BJ and bought a new legging..:p..Sleep? oh this one earlier...6am..hahahah...XD
= Thaipusam Day! sleep whole day..(until afternoon)..then working on the laptop keyboard...Go to training...Eat...And in front of the laptop until now~
So basically thats how my life working on these few days...
Nothing interesting bout it...
But what make it special to me?
Because I'm still ALIVE today..(nonsense!bla3....hahahah)
Actually a lot of interesting and meaningful things happened to me these few days..
But I want to keep it to myself...
There are things that should left unspoken huh?
after that?hurm......................
So I guess this is my good night post!
*I can't resist myself to think that the distance is getting far and farther everyday...Something is missing in my life..Should I let this left unspoken too? WEE(What Ever Esther)~ What is happening anyway? Would you tell me WHY? Heart.. Please hold on..Don't drop and shatter..I can't afford to walk these days and pick up the pieces of you..*
bz btul kehidupan kw ni pink..hahaks.. kmu x cuti ka thaipusam?
ReplyDeletehahaha...mmg BZ cop2...hehehe...
ReplyDeletecuti bha Thaipusam...
jan ko...ramai tul Hindu sini ni...
kalau d sabah..
jan harap ada cuti thaipusam..LOL...
rindu aq sama kaw cop2!
haha...aq taw kw mst miss aq la pink... bha, jan kw tekawin sama org sna suda la pink..hahaha
jodoh maut di tangan tuhan...
cakap sy...
ko pula tekawin org sana nnt...LOL...