1. Physical Flirting
- involves the expression of sexual interest in a potential partner. People who scored high in this form of flirting often develop relationships quickly, have more sexual chemistry and have a greater emotional connection to their partners.
2. Traditional Flirting
- believe men should make the first move and women should not pursue men. Due to adopting a more passive role in dating, women with this style are likely to report trouble getting men’s attention and are less likely to flirt or be flattered by flirting. Traditional men often know a potential partner for a longer time before approaching them. Both genders tend to be introverted and prefer a more intimate dating scene.
3. Polite Style Flirting
- focuses on proper manners and non-sexual communication. While they are less likely to approach a potential partner and do not find flirting flattering, they do tend to have meaningful relationships.
4. Sincere Flirting
- based on creating emotional connections and communicating sincere interest. While women tend to score higher in this style, it is highly advocated by both genders. Relationships involve strong emotional connections and sexual chemistry and are typically meaningful.
5. Playful Flirting
- flirt with little interest in a long-term romance. However, they find flirting fun and enhancing to their self-esteem. They are less likely to have an important and meaningful relationship.
Men and women have they own flirting style. Believe it or not, flirting style will actually determine the duration of the relationship. People that engage into physical and playful style of flirt tend to involve in a shorter relationship compared to sincere and polite style of flirt. According to Professor Jeffrey Hall, if you are unhappy with the type of person you are attracting, you should modify your flirting style. Flirting style tend to describe person personality and will be hard to change. But, you can always modify your flirting style to find the right person in a relationship. Unless you don't want to commit any serious/further relationships, finding the right person is necessary and important to create a long term and lasting relationship.
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